Why Choose Us?

Choos­ing a kinder­garten where to entrust your child for so many hours in a day can be a dif­fi­cult decision and we hope that the fol­low­ing references will help you as you choose a preschool for your child.

What Makes Montessori Special

Montessori is a the­ory of edu­ca­tion foun­ded by Italian doc­tor Maria Montessori. In this approach to edu­ca­tion, chil­dren are placed into a well-planned and struc­tured envir­on­ment that meets their indi­vidual needs, and allows them to develop at their own pace.


Our preschool accepts children between 15 months and 6 years old. We welcome you & your family to come and visit the school for a tour of the classroom & facilities, as well as to get to know the staff.